Monday, September 10, 2012

Research Methods

What phenomena (events, situations, or conditions) might you be interested to investigate? What research method do you think would be appropriate?

When I was young, I had dreams of becoming an astronomer so I could discover new stars and planets. Now, it seems that a lot of things have been discovered and it seems there's only a few "unknown things" left. It's amazing how in just a few thousand years, people evolved exponentially. From living in caves to living in condominiums, from creating fire through sticks to having electric stove tops, discoveries and inventions happened so fast. 

Research and experiments made it possible to create new theories. These theories serves as a map as well for others to follow. Henry Bauer's map metaphor indeed is very helpful and precise in explaining what theories are and how they serve us. 

As with Bauer's map metaphor "when theories contradict each other, the difference can be resolved by gathering evidence." Imagine this, what if Ptolemy's theory that the earth was the center of the universe was never contested by Copernicus? It would probably have delayed a lot of discoveries and inventions.

One event I would probably want to research about is the development of a child's self-esteem through education, how it relates to his learning and later on, his success in life. I'm sure a lot of educational psychologists already researched on this. Basing this on Culatta (2011) on "Types of Educational Research", research methods that I would use on this would be descriptive and correlational. I would be observing students with low self-esteem, then by gathering information in the classroom, I can also use them and correlate them in the future success. 

I know there are a lot of factors in play on this event, that it may be difficult to get a controlled group. I know that when it comes to research there, you invest a lot of time, resources and patience in order to come up with a very good result. 

I know that even if a lot of new things have been discovered and invented, there is still a lot of opportunity to discover and invent. We don't have to go beyond space, because the human mind and behavior has more mysteries than the outer space. 


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